Thursday, November 18, 2010

Email Sequencing Tips For Your Business

When someone comes into one of our sites somewhere, they will receive a set of emails. They click on the first email, they go to registration. If they don’t click on the first email, the next day they get another email. It says, hey, hopefully you heard about Rich Schefren’s coaching program, but there is only 48 hours left to register. Click here if you want to join. Then if they still don’t join, they get another email a day later, except this email has a recording. It says, hey, there is only 24 hours left to register. Now you see what I’m doing here? There’s a deadline. I’ve got a deadline and hopefully they will respond to this deadline.

That’s 24 hours and then instead of this email having a lot of copy or a scroll of copy, there is only a little bit of copy that says, there is a very important message here from Rich. You’ve got to check out this video. Then it goes to Rich and there is a video of Rich who says, we have sent you a couple of emails about this, it will change your online business plan or whatever it is that you want to say in that video. We’re breaking the pattern a little bit right now.

The first two emails they have our typical header at the top. Then if they still don’t register they get one more email on the fourth day, except this is a text email, at least it looks like a text, no header on it and it basically says there are only 12 more hours to register. The reason it is text or looks like text is because we’re breaking the pattern. They’ve been seeing registration emails, now we want to put this one right in front of their face, just like a regular email to try to break that pattern.

Once they click on any of the emails and register, now they have gone into a different set of sequences. The first thing that happens is they go into the registration page and it’s a basic squeeze page, join our seminar. Then they go to a thank you page and from that thank you page you can do all kinds of things, do a tell a friend process where they can share this webinar with other friends. If you’re not doing that, you definitely should do that, it makes a big difference.
After they register, now they start going into sequence number two which is a confirmation series. Most people will look at this as a reminder series. It’s the wrong way to look at these.

They’ve just registered, four days left until the actual event that they’re going to attend. So you want to take advantage of those four days, not just to send reminder emails, you want to do what we call a reconsumption email. It’s an email about why they just made the best decision for their business. It’s all about the webinar. Or maybe the next one is grounding materials where they get a booklet with some questions that they are going to fill out on the webinar.

You have to be very careful about grounding materials not to put too much information in them because it will give people a preconceived notion about what they’re going to learn and they might not show up. There is the right approach to marketing through emails. You can give them a page and say we’re going to help you fill this out in the webinar. If you use those grounding materials in the right way it should help to reconfirm that this is really something they want to be on. What you want to do is get people who have registered to actually show up at the webinar. So these are just little techniques that we are doing and constantly improving to get people to show up.

The third email in this series is maybe a day before reminder. The day before reminder might be a video of Rich or whatever product we’re dealing with. The reason that we’re doing the video is not just to be cool and use a video but really it is because we want to give the visitor the opportunity to hear the voice of whoever is going to be on the webinar and see their face. We want them to come into this webinar comfortable and when they start to hear it, they have already heard the voice and seen the face and they’ve already bonded with that person.

So there’s a video the day before. Then of course they also get an email the day of, to remind them, so in the morning. We also send them an email about an hour before the webinar. If they’ve left us their cell phone or their mobile phone number, we also send them an SMS message to their number about fifteen minutes before.

So there are just some techniques we’re using right now that you could tweak, try, test, do all different types of things. This process of sending emails can be very effective.

Listen To This Brian Johnson Interview To Learn More About Starting And Running A Business.

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