Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jason Jell Talks About Keyword Elite

Entrepreneur, David Jenyns interviews Jason Jell. Click here to listen to the MP3 of Jason Jell.

Here is a clip of the interview:

David: I’m excited to be joined today by one of the main guys who is influential in the Brad Callen’s line of software, the Elite software, like the SEO Elite and Keyword Elite. He’s been in SEO for a Fortune 500 company, does SEO consulting, does a lot of the training for Brad’s products. He really does know the SEO basics extremely well. So I’m very excited to have Jason Jell on the phone. Are you there Jason?

Jason: Yes, I’m here. Thanks for the nice intro David. It’s a pleasure to be here, and it’s a pleasure to talk to all your people. I hope we can give them some good information.

David: I always love talking about SEO training with someone who knows what they’re talking about. If we dive straight into it, one of the first things I wanted to talk about was when you’re about to launch a new website, what are the steps and the process you go through for getting that website ranked? I know it’s a pretty broad question so perhaps tackle it however you like.

Jason: I think in just trying to do these types of things when I was coming up and when I tried it and I failed and when I tried it and I actually succeeded, I think the biggest steps for me were coming into it with a well defined keyword plan.

People will create a brand new website and they’ll slap pages up and they never have legitimate keyword targets. They don’t spend the time to look at what kind of search volume, who am I targeting here, what kind of competition am I targeting. They’ll just slap pages up and then six months later they’ll look and they’ll say, I have no traffic. Then they’ll realize either they targeted terms with no traffic or they targeted a term they couldn’t possibly compete in a reasonable amount of time.

For me, when I’m coming into a new site in particular, I will spend twice as much time on keyword development, keyword analysis before I write one bit of content. Then I know when I do get to the point and I start on content generation, I know I have legitimate targets, I have measurable endpoints so I can say, I’m going after this set of terms. This set of terms has x amount of searches, so if I pull a certain amount of rank, then I know I’ll pull this much traffic. If you can’t pull the traffic, you’re never going to get anywhere.

It’s a pretty standard procedure for me across the board. I see consulting is always the biggest thing that people seem to get wrong. They don’t put in the proper amount of time for the keyword research.

Entrepreneur, David Jenyns interviews Jason Jell. Click here to listen to the MP3 of Jason Jell. If you liked this interview, check out Ken Evoy.

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