Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yanik Silver's Tips On Driving Traffic To Your Website

Once you’ve brainstormed your info business, you’ve figured out what your niche is and you’ve figured out where the hook is going to be, you’ve got your pricing strategy right, you’re starting to package it all up, you’re getting ready to bring it to market, whether it’s a copywriting course or something like my Instant Sales Letters, once you’re at that point, then I suppose the next piece of the puzzle is making sure that you drive traffic. Now there are fifty million different ways to drive traffic.

I think for most people, that is part of what slows them down. They see all these different ways of driving traffic, there are all these different ways of doing online marketing and it stops them like a deer in headlights. For me, I’ve totally always been and I still am, non technical. I’d be looking at different traffic strategies and some of them will resonate with you and some of them won’t. For me, one of my key questions I always like asking is, who else can I piggy back on who’s already doing things in the marketplace, where I can jump into their stream of business.

Very early on, that’s exactly what I did for Instant Sales Letters. So back ten years, maybe ten and a half years now, at that time Alta Vista was the big search engine, so I went to Alta Vista and Yahoo! and typed in my keyword, which is sales letters. I just picked out, who is already on top here? I said, I don’t want to do the work to figure out how they did that, why don’t I just contact them and see if they’d be interested in getting a profit share for my product? I contacted people who were on the first page or checked out their sites to see. Some of them were colleges and it would be hard to do a deal with them and there were different people who didn’t fit.

The ones that fit, I contacted them via email personally and let them know about our product, let them know I’d be happy to give them a review password to check it out and see what they thought. We had one or two people respond and then after that, they would promote it and I’d use those results and go back to the rest of the people on my little hit list of fifteen to twenty prospects or ultimate prospects that I had, and tell them about these other people. After a few months, we had about 30%-40% of the people on there. So we had a good amount of impact just around that keyword.

One of the other things that I did a lot of, was articles. I always think about traffic in three general ways. You can buy it, you can borrow it, so I was borrowing it by going to these people who had existing rankings already, or you can create it. Articles are creating traffic, things like viral marketing and so forth. Typically you have either more time or more money. So I’m typically happier to spend some money to see, instead of waiting for rankings to come up.

I know nothing about SEO basics. For me it would take a while to get the rankings but I would imagine there is something that would do it a lot faster than I think. I would rather pay for traffic right now because I know that then it is something I could track and measure right away and see what’s up. I can see what’s my conversion rate, how’s this doing, can I test some pricing, can I test some different things and get it right before I want to market it on a bigger scale?

I think a lot of people get caught up, they get caught in that deer headlights. I broke it down into the three, and that’s as simple as it needs to be, but people have this habit of over complicating things. That is a big mistake I suppose a lot of people are making on a regular basis. Another mistake is thinking that it takes a week to become an internet millionaire. That might be Frank Kern’s fault. He makes it look so easy I think.

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1 comment:

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