Wednesday, December 30, 2009
SEO Company: How to Pick Keywords
Learn How to Do SEO
You might rank number one for mating habits of mosquitoes in Ethiopia. That’s a really long phrase but what are the chances that someone is going to type that long phrase in. Google comes back with the most relevant pages so stick with keywords that are 2 to 3 words long.
SEO Strategies
Before you get into any optimization you need to think about the user and what they might type in to the search engine to find you. The more competitive a keyword is the harder it will be for you to rank high for it, that is why I suggested optimizing for just 2 to 3 keyword in one phrase. Try to optimize for keywords that are not so broad they are not going to hit your target market. You need to find a balance. Going back to my example you wouldn’t want mating habits of mosquitoes in Ethiopia but you don’t just want the keyword mosquitoes either. Find something in between. You might settle on mosquito mating habits but that is why you have to go to the Google keyword tool and find out what other people are typing in. This way you’ll be right on target with the people you want to reach.
Melbourne SEO Services
In our SEO training, how does Google determine what is the most important page? Depending on how popular the page is and how well you did you on page and off page search engine optimization keywords will determine what come up. On page optimization is everything you do on your page with the meta tags and the title tags to tell the search engines what kind of website you have. Off page optimization is everything you do off of your website to get it to rank well in the search engines with a good link building plan.
Google doesn’t index a page unless there’s a link. So it will follow that page to your website. Search engines don’t read images or java script or video either. There are no hard and fast rules as Google doesn’t announce what algorithm it is using. We only go by the general rules of thumb and by reverse engineering other websites that are ranking to try and look for similarities. For example what is your competition doing to rank high, we then would do the same but one step better.
Picking your keywords for your website is absolutely crucial. You need to get into the mind of your user and think, if I was a such and such, what would I be typing into the search engine to find whatever it is I want to serve up. Let’s say I want to serve up something about soccer drills because I’ve got a book I’m going to sell about soccer drills. You want to keep one keyword for one page and use it often. You want to use the keyword, once at the top, middle and end of your webpage for a high ranking.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A SEO Course: What Drives You to the Top of the Search Engines
You really want to go after people that have more weight that say that your website is hot stuff because that has more staying power than just a regular person who says your website is cool. You can link back to your main website using various methods. One method might be an image or another way might be a text link that goes back to the website that you are trying to get ranked. Other methods, off page optimization, you might use would be different forums, blogs, other content websites and article websites.
The SEO course methods I like to use are article websites. We might post an article on a blog or even post comments that go back to our website that we are trying to rank for. The bottom line of what you want to try to do is replicate what happens in nature or real life. You want to mix it up a little bit. The most important thing is to have some kind of written SEO guide or search engine optimization training plan of your own.
On your website that you are trying to rank for you want each page to have one keyword that you are going after. Use it in the title and description and sprinkle in through out the webpage. This is so that the search engines know exactly what you’re ranking for and it won’t confuse them at all. You want to use operation KISS on this, which is short for keeping it simple silly. Don’t make things to complicated.
Learn SEO: How Search Engines Work
SEO Basics
The way search engines work is kind of like a popularity contest or what site is the most popular and relevant to what the person is searching for. This is where we get into a little bit of link building. The more popular your website is, the higher the ranking it will get. So you need to formulate a plan that will get your site ranked as the most popular website to get to the top.
Nobody really knows what Google’s search engine algorithm is but they have been making changes compared to what people use to do in the past. So let’s say you have a website about cancer. In the real world your website would be in a higher spot if more people referenced that website in a link building plan.
Google used the same technology in their algorithm so if you want to look at this in a better light you’d say that you’re in a popularity contest with other websites that wrote about cancer. The more people that link to your website and say that this such and such website has this, the more your popularity will grow. Now let’s say you have a lot of people saying that your hot stuff and you take another person who is famous and they say your hot stuff, then you just added a more powerful element to your link building plan.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Jim Edwards Ebook: Make Enormous Income Selling eBooks

(Whether You Wrote It Or Not!)
You... a best-selling author? Yes!
Even if you don't have time to write the ebook yourself
Get your ebook out to as many people as possible
Create new income streams for your website
If you are looking for a good way to make money on the Internet that really works – and I will prove it to you in a moment – then please read this message very carefully. It will be the most important information you read all year.
Let’s start with a question: If you could turn words into traffic, you could make more than $20,000 in a single weekend. If this was the case would you do it?
Not in Las Vegas. Not using a gun. Not by winning the lottery.
But by publishing your own ebook and selling it on the Web – whether you wrote it or not!
Let me introduce to you, Jim Edwards, also Sales Copywriter, and he’d like to share some interesting information with you. In less than a year, Jim Edwards, writer of How to Write and Publish your Own Ebook, sold over 8,463 ebooks on the Internet. You may have heard of them -- "33 Days to Online Profits," "How to Write and Publish Your Own eBook... in as little as 7 Days," "Selling Your Home Alone," and others.
These ebooks are selling like crazy!
He’s not the only person doing this. He could reel off the names of at least a dozen people he knows right now who are selling more than he is. And besides them, there are many, many others he’s never even heard of.
Now you might asking: “Can I make a ton of money with ANY ebook?”
Frankly, no you can’t. A lot of people are skimping by with a few hundred dollars a month – or less. Many ebooks don’t sell at all. Why? Because their authors decided they had an important message to give the world, but they didn’t happen to first find answers to these three basic questions:
1. Are there enough people interested in this topic, already reachable in groups, to market my ebook to?
2. Do those people have a problem they’d be willing to pay money – at least $29 – to solve?
3. Can I provide them with a good enough solution to their problem that they would consider what I have to tell them worth the money they paid for it?
One fellow has an ebook right now bringing in about $35,000 a month. The problem his ebook is solving? Divorce! (If you’ve ever been divorced, or you know anyone who has, you can see why a lot of people would gladly pay $79 for a guaranteed way to prevent an impending divorce from happening.)
Another fellow has an ebook that pays nowhere near $35,000 a month. All this ebook does is pay the mortgage, two car payments, and the electric bill each month. In other words, all of his and his wife’s basic expenses except food.
The problem this ebook solves? How to sell your house without paying a real estate agent thousands of dollars in commissions.
There are hot-selling ebooks on the Net about how to negotiate the best price on a new or used car; how to save money on a mortgage; how to write sales letters; how to promote your professional services business; how to achieve financial independence; and many, many other topics.
Income varies. Some people make a few hundred or a few thousand a month. One entrepreneur Jim knows is going to make close to $1 million this year – only selling information online.
And while he’s not sure he’ll make quite that much myself by December, he’s already having the most financially successful year of my life.
So I guess you’re wondering if you could do the same. Could you? That depends.
If you’re a real “creative” type, extremely stubborn and independent, and you have to do things your own way – no. Not right away. You’d be like Jim Edwards. It took him years of experimenting, and some lean and scary times, to get to where he’s at today. But he had to blaze a trail that wasn’t there before.
On the other hand, if you have a sincere desire to make money and the ability to follow a proven, step-by-step system, then you can make literally as much money as you want with ebooks. Starting two to four weeks from today.
Just as long as you follow the simple, basic steps laid out in this breakthrough new course...
Jimmy D. Brown Affiliate Program: Fortunes in Promoting Other People’s Products
And that reason is this: “super” affiliates begin, maintain and reinforce relationships with subscribers. It starts and ends with a mailing list. Even a tiny one can be a influential, profitable mechanism if you follow these 7 guidelines:
In this first Jimmy Brown tip, instead of sending traffic directly to your affiliate link, propel them to YOUR site where you offer some kind of mailing list for them to join. (BIG Hint: Mini-course works best) Once you have them on a list, they become an positive feature. If you send them directly to an affiliate page and they don’t buy, they’re gone forever. On your list, you can follow-up with them indefinitely.
In this second Jimmy Brown tip, as an alternative of sending out the similar, tired, lame ad that every other affiliate in the world sends out, write your own. Trust me when I say that many people find it OFFENSIVE when they receive two dozens duplicate emails from two dozen list owners all promoting the exact same thing in the exact same way. And even if they don’t find it offensive, it’s not as effective if you simply rinse and repeat what everyone else is doing.
In this third Jimmy Brown products tip Nothing – nothing – nothing speaks louder than RESULTS. If you want to lose a few pounds, who do you turn to? Someone who is still struggling with their own weight or someone you’ve seen drop 35 pounds? Exactly!
The way you make your mailings / ads different is you speak from your own personal experience. This product or service that you are promoting as an affiliate, how has it been useful to you personally? What results have you personally achieved? When you used it, what happened?
Note: If you haven’t personally used the product, then shame on you for trying to make a quick buck from it hocking it to others!
Another way to be different – and to dramatically increase your chances of getting a sale as an affiliate – is to offer some kind of compelling incentive if someone buys the offer through YOUR referral link. Whether it’s a special report or access to an audio recording, personalized consultation or advertising, a private training call or existing products and services, this can be a highly effective method of converting fence-setters into paying customers.
Note: Don’t have anything to offer? Don’t worry! There are many ways to easily obtain extra incentives: conduct an interview, article distribution, hire a ghostwriter to create articles / reports for you, buy reprint rights to other products, assemble a bunch of free articles and other resources into a private access site, etc.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Joel Comm Adsense Giveaway
As you are aware, on the Joel Comm blog he is known for having written the definitive guide for making money with Google AdSense.
His AdSense Secrets book has sold thousands upon thousand of copies and is still a best-seller to this day.
Joel Comm has charged up to $97 for this must-have guide to tapping into Google`s multi-BILLION dollar bank account, but He is shocking the online world by doing something absolutely incredible.
Inside the secret classroom, Joel hasn`t just lowered the price of this book. He has demolished the price!
In fact, for a limited time you can download the entire 230-page AdSense Secrets 4.0 book from Joel`s site for FREE!
Wow, talk about moving the free line!
Why would he do this?
Because he believes everyone deserves an opportunity to get a piece of the Google pie, and he wants to provide you with some fantastic bonus materials.
For example, have you seen his newsletter, “The Top One Percent Report”?
Holy cow! This is the most amazing printed publication I have seen come out in the Internet marketing world and Joel wants to give you a free copy of it as well!
Ok, that`s enough of me talking.
You should go to his site right away and grab your copy of the Joel Comm AdSense Secrets 4.0.
You`re going to love this material as it will help you generate streams of passive income!
Internet Wealth System: Simple 3-Step System To Massive Internet Income

On the Ewen Chia blog, he talks about dreaming of becoming an Internet Marketer and quiting your day job by making a six figure income you’ll need to do the following: because to be honest with you that’s what everyone else is doing.
Listen to and follow Ewen Chia, founder also of the Guaranteed Traffic System who is experiencing massive success, then focus on duplicating his system in your own special way.
Take my word for it, I know what its like to be failing miserably and to be up to my eyeballs in massive personal debt. Hopefully this never happens to you. But I can also tell you that when I found a very successful person to follow and began doing what he did, that success and money quickly came my way.
Let me introduce to you, Ewen Chia, also a Sales Copywriter and for the last 10 years he’s been a successful full-time Internet Marketer. He’d like to share his system for generating unlimited internet wealth with you. What you’re about to discover is extremely powerful, very simple to apply and the results it generates will…absolutely amaze you!
Even if you don’t have a single scientific bone in your upper body, this will work for you. Just read his materials and follow along. It’s really that simple. Everything you’ve ever heard about making money online is about to be revealed. You know, there’s a reason that some of the biggest names on the internet recommend my training. That’s because it flat out works. It’s simple, easy to follow and highly motivating too.
Let me begin by telling you what you don’t need, a website, a winning product, an untapped niche, employees, inventory, special tricks, a friend of a friend or an email list of any kind either. You do need a plan and that’s exactly what you’ll get .
New automobile, a new home, your kids college education, or even a much needed trip to sunny Australia will come into crystal clear focus as you’ll now have a money plan that you can count on .
Sure it’s going to take a couple of hours to read through these materials, after all its everything he does to make multiple six figure incomes every single month. But its very easy to understand. GUARANTEED!
Just remember, it’s a predictable plan to grow a massive recurring internet income from your home, in your spare time and so that you can begin living the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Yes, it’s predictable. And you can do it. Introducing
The Amazing Internet Wealth System To Making It Big Online!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yanik Silver Scam? Yes You Can Really Make Money with His Material
It’s a lot easier than you might think. But the real deal is, I’ve found more individuals bewildered, mystified, baffled and just plain puzzled about Internet marketing, which who wouldn’t be? There are more self-proclaimed experts and wannabe gurus out there than you can shake a stick at.
This is the problem. Who can you believe online?
The few people I trust online are Yanik Silver, Ken Evoy, John Carlton, Jim Edwards, Marlon Sanders, Rich Schefren just to name a few.
Here are a few quick highlights from Yanik’s established Internet track record:
* His first site, not Public Domain Riches, is responsible for bringing in a hefty six-figure income. Just last month it raked in $21,663.27. (Yanik takes two hours a week looking after if from a small corner of his house.)
* A uncomplicated 2-week project, not Instant Sales Letters, created a enormous profit windfall of $9,842.00 in just 4 days and the after that project he released netted $15,561.49 in just 5 days.
* He’s regularly invited to speak at $1,000.00 to $5,000.00/per person Internet seminars. (You better believe Yanik wouldn’t be invited back if I didn’t deliver real information.)
* And the Yanik Silver copywriting course is in a league of all it’s own.
And his co-author, Jim Edwards is no slacker either…
Jim writes a weekly newspaper editorial on Internet marketing. He’s published and sold several best selling books online including,
- Selling Your Home Alone
- The TEN Dirty Little Secrets of Mortgage Financing.
- Jim is the co-author of the new blockbuster – How to Write and Publish your own eBook in as little as 7Days.
Plus, another eBook Jim recently co-created did over $91,460 in sales in less than 5 months!
As you can see, they both deliver as promised, something that isn’t all that common online.
So Jim and Yanik teamed up to give you a simple plan that almost anybody can follow to start making real money online. They’re calling it “33 days to Online Profits” but you’ll come to think of it as your “cookbook” to Internet profits. You simply follow the step-by-step, day-by-day instructions for 33 days and we guarantee you’ll turbo charge your online sales.
They’ve taken all the speculation out of it and it doesn’t matter what product or service you’re selling (as long as people actually want it). Which means, 33 days from today, your friends won’t be laughing at your silly ideas about making money online.
So is this a Yanik Silver Scam? By all means NO!
The John Carlton Copywriting Course
If you're an entrepreneur or small business owner struggling to bring in the Big Bucks, John Carlton wants you to please know this: Your lack of achievement is NOT because you haven't established the right super-secret trap or magic gadget.
Nope. The accomplishment you crave is being held up because of something much simpler and much easier to get to the bottom of.
In the John Carlton copywriting course, here is the Big Question #1: Do you want to waste more time chasing fads and second-guessing yourself, or are you finally ready to learn the first simple step to unleashing the Killer Marketer thrashing inside you?
On the John Carlton blog he motivates you to say, "Okay, then. Let's get started on changing your life for good."
The entrepreneurs and small business owners who are dominating their niches right now know there is NO magic to bringing in results.
As a sales copywriter, here's the formula: You find a starving audience, and you offer them something they value by communicating with them in a way that motivates them deeply and moves them to doing something.
It’s really not that hard.
- The famished audiences aren't hiding.
- Getting your way into the jet-stream of a market is no secret anymore. (The "art" of building a list is now so well-known; it's being given away for free during product promos.)
- And once you comprehend the needs of your target audience, creating or finding something of valuable is flat-out easy.
So why isn't every marketer rich?
Here's why: Where most marketers get trapped in the "communicating your sales message" part.
And this is why John Carlton’s Simple Writing System - Home Study Course is for writing everything you need is still being devoured and implemented by marketers in every corner of the business world.
Know saying at the John Carlton workshop, If there is a "magic bullet" for creating a business that thrives and grows like crazy (no matter what the economy does) it simply knows how to communicate with folks who should be buying what you offer and helping them understand that you're the one they should be buying from.
• Fads don't sell.
• Gimmicks and gadgets don’t sell.
• Even building a huge list swarming with prospects won't generate cash for you if you don't have a clue how to hold a simple "sales conversation" that turns looking into I have to have it customers.
The sad fact is most marketers out there are flying BLIND trying to change prospects into buyers.
They literally throw substance into the mix -- websites, videos, emails, print ads, direct mail, SEO and PPC campaigns, seminars, whatever -- and PRAY that it works.
• Stop making excuses...
• Find a proven resource where you can quickly learn what you need to learn...
• And make the decision to get started.
It's not complicated.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Marlon Sanders: Growing Your Business
On the Marlon Sanders blog, for instance, one of the vital goals for numerous people this year will be to focus on building a mailing list. (After all, it's common knowledge that your list is going to be a major resource of repeat profits for you!) One of the many Marlon Sanders products is growing your list. The first thing you need is an opt-in form that you use to capture the leads. But if you've never fashioned an opt-in form before then you probably have a lot of questions on how to get one on your web site, such as:
* Opt-in pages - where do you get them from?
* The form - How do you add it your site?
* How do you use a nice looking graphic pop up with text that you can customize in just seconds?
* The code - Where do you get it to make the form work?
* And much more...
Of course those are just a little of the questions you may have when it comes to building your opt-in list form. As a Marlon Sanders affiliate, I remember when I first started out, just trying to figure out how to do something like this made my head spin! This just one of the reasons Marlon Sanders created the Design Dashboard. Nothing could be easier.
Read more on Marlon Sanders and get your free report.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Rich Schefren Knows The Formulas That Measure Business Success
With his accounting surroundings and knowledge gained through employment with Arthur Anderson, he developed business insight. He worked in Anderson’s Strategic Planning Division winning awards as he went. There, he saw numbers as a language that symbolized a firm’s sales and profits, or lack thereof.
He took this information into his family’s struggling clothing business in the Soho section of Manhattan. At twenty-two years of age, he began a renovation there, which brought the company into a profit arrangement. With these sales, and profits, elevated, Rich Schefren caught the marketing and entrepreneurial bug.
His next business enterprise was to open a hypnosis center. This soon extended to multiple locations and millions of dollars in sales within four years. However, something else even more wonderful came out of this business model. Rich began to put up for sale his achievement strategies to other hypnosis centers in the outline of a program of techniques. These program sales took off and Rich realized this would be an even better business opportunity for him. He believed it would offer financially for him and his family while being of great use to other entrepreneurs.
With his financial knowledge, retail marketing intelligence, and strategic planning skills Rich Schefren began his internet information products career. With great success in both the offline and online worlds, he knew marketing inside out. It didn’t take long for his vision for his online venture to bear fruit. He soon urbanized partnerships with the top online marketing gurus and things took off even more.
He is President of Strategic Profits, the business he started in 2004. What began as a solo assignment now employs ten people full-time. He’s been an internet trainer to some of the biggest names in the internet-marketing world. On the Rich Schefren blog, Strategic Profits originated out of he’s desire to allocate what he learned with struggling, hard-working internet marketers. He knew he could lend a hand to them avoiding the pitfalls that so easily stop some companies in their tracks.
Strategic Partners exists to show internet marketers and those who want to start a small business online the means to a growing a profitable business while still allowing it’s operators moments to enjoy other significant things in life. Rich Schefren saw all too often, people who entered the internet business toiling long hours for little revenue, just as they did in their previous jobs. He formed Strategic Partners to help them steer clear of this trap in their internet careers.
Now an instant expert, He applies the philosophy and techniques he teaches to others, to his own life. His business success allows him the lifestyle he desires, being with, and doing stuff with those he loves. Rich Schefren enjoys life in sunny Florida with his wife and two daughters.
Download Rich’s Internet Business Manifesto?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Site Buildit Review: Don't Buy SBI Until You Read This Unbiased Upfront View
You’re hard pushed to find an honest SBI review out there that isn’t an affiliate waxing lyrical over how great SBI is. Well David wants to change this trend and make no qualms about who he is or what the actual effect of SBI has been on his business. Please watch his SBI Review Video below to get an honest picture of the SBI craze.
SBI! owners do much more than "put up Web sites." Anyone can take an online business idea and put up a site or a blog nowadays. The result is a glut of over 100 million sites, most of them with almost no traffic.
Starting your own business?
Ken Evoy of SBI! shows owners how to build traffic with a warm, willing-to-buy traffic that results in genuine, profitable, evergrowing businesses. That, in turn, delivers life-changing freedom (the "It!" in Site Build It!).
Profitable results come from sites that WORK. Profits are not generated by sites that merely exist (the vast majority). SBI! builds sites that WORK, each with hundreds or thousands of visitors every day.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
An Online Business System - Is There Such a Thing as a Dream Business?
Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters CourseLearn how to start and grow a profitable Net auction business. (MYNAS! –> Now Free!)
Creating an online business system? Is there such a thing as a dream business?
Starting your own Business? What would you think if someone asked you these questions about ?
- • Do you want to have fun making money by pursuing ideas that excite you?
• Are you looking to start a great home-based business, with no capital investment and no risk?
• Want the option of part-time, or full-time, or growing gradually at whatever speed you choose? Even build your business to the point where it pays for your retirement?
• Or even build your business during your retirement?
• Heck, how about something that will clear out the attic, basement or closet while you're at it?
• Just a fantasy? A few years ago, that might have been the case -- only the "Net-savviest" had a chance. But not anymore.
Ken Evoy's Site Build It! is composed of over 70 modules and sub-modules, all working together to build your business (whether it's online or off).
Try some of them, free, right here.
As you do, realize that each is merely a small part of a larger, all-encompassing module, which itself is only part of the C > T > P > M process that is SBI!.
Buy SBI? What does it all mean to you?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What is the SBI Action Guide?

If you want to go straight to the SBI Action Guide then click this link right away. If you are unsure about exactly what the SBI Action guide does then check out what you’ll learn below.
What will the SBI Action Guide Teach You?
A complete 10 day training program that takes you through building your profitable web business from start to finish. Whilst the basic principles of running any business always apply, you need to be fine-tuned in what it takes to run a web business and how to excel.
* Master the ALL-Important Basics
* Develop Best Site Concept
* Brainstorm Profitable Topics – Comprehensive Keyword Research
* Investigate And Plan Monetization Options
* Refine Site Concept and Register Domain Name
* Build a Site… That Gets The Click! A Site that converts
* How to Build Free Traffic with Cutting Edge Marketing Techniques
* How to Build Long Profitable Relationships
Know Your Visitors – find out exactly what your visitors want and sell it to them Monetize & Monetize It! So few people actually understand how to monetize a website.
The best thing about the SBI Action Guide is it’s completely free. Ken Evoy is not afraid to give away a wealth of information. You’ll soon appreciate that this level of vital information grows exponentially once you buy SBI. For an honest Site Build It review look no further. Before you Buy SBI, I can offer it to you with a whole heap of bonuses.