As a real world example of my info business, about nine years ago, I had an idea of a workout program for people. It started off as an idea I read on CNN, that traffic was 200% or 300% worse in the last couple of years. I thought, oh, people should have an exercise program while they’re in the car. I was talking to my personal trainer and he said, no, that would be a bad idea. Then I said, ok, and we started talking and he said, what about people who are in the office all day and sitting at their computers or watching TV. I said, yes, sounds great. You can also do the same with public domain ebooks, with a different approach.
So I literally went out and just wrote a quick little sales letter and then I told him. I said, figure out some exercises that would fit the bill for what we just wrote here. So he figured out the content part. That little e book is a simple way of getting out there and doing things and we sell it on ClickBank which is one of the marketplaces which handles all the logistics for you and will handle all the affiliate payments and the credit card costings and so forth. It’s a really good way to dip your toe in the water.
So that’s been selling for nine years straight now. It doesn’t make us a fortune but we don’t really market it anymore. But the last cheque I got was in the neighbourhood of $100 every two weeks or something like that. It’s not much but after nine years, it’s still pretty interesting. That’s one thing and so I’ve been helping him actually on a brand new program. He’s going to take his information for really advanced fitness people. His last name is Ball, so we’re going to call it The Big Ball’s Workout. It’s totally different.
It’s also a good segue into a point about differentiating and having something out there in the marketplace that has a good hook or a good angle. There’s obviously a whole lot of fitness information out there, so you have to pick off your market and then also come at it from a slightly unique way so that people can immediately get it. So for him, like I said his last name was Ball, so we instituted the Big Ball’s Challenge which is this workout which is so hard that you can’t do it and it plays to these guys’ manhood. Throughout the sales presentation, he calls them Cupcake and Princess. So it is kind of funny and plays against their ego and there’s a Hall of Fame if they can prove they actually completed the final advanced version of the Big Ball’s Workout.
So it’s got a unique place, a slightly unique hook in the marketplace. I don’t know how it’s going to do, we’re going to release it in the next couple of weeks, so we’ll see. That’s something that I’ve always been a big proponent of, that there has to be a unique aspect to it. So for my very first ones, the Instant Sales Letters that I wrote, that really took off, the unique hook there I call it a fish product. There is the old saying if you hand a man a fish, you feed him for a day or if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. That is kind of rubbish; people want the fish handed to them. That’s one way you can create that hook. So that’s what that product did. We’ve had a lot of success doing that.
Actually way back, my very first info business ideas was selling to cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists and plastic surgeons, helping them grow their practice. The very first thing that really took off was, I gave them different toolkits for all sorts of procedures , so it had pre done ads and postcards and scripts and press releases for liposuction or breast augmentation or all sorts of other procedures. People loved that; if you can do that for them that makes a big difference. That’s one of the hooks and one of the ways that you can create a different information product.
Believe it or not, you probably have a lot of this material on your computer. So if you’ve been doing anything and you’ve had success at it, there are a lot of other people out there, you can go back into your same marketplace. For me, I actually sold medical equipment so I worked with doctors every single day so that was my in. I have other clients who are actual doctors and they went back and sold to their profession because they’ve done different distinct things in their business, from how they trained their staff or how they market their practice or whatever the case is. To go back in your hard drive and start looking at things you’ve got on there, that could be the basis for a kit or an information product.
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