My service was to connect these two groups, so the academics would edit and proof read the writing of the international students. They would benefit usually with better grades as a result of the editing service.
I actually read the book about ebay, I think it was called The Ebay Story, I’m not sure if that was the name of it. It’s the main book written about how ebay started. One of the biggest influences on me in that book was the idea of a many to many business model. This essentially means you can have as many customers as you basically can take because there is no cap on your ability to deliver the service.
So in ebay’s case you can have as many people selling things on auction as you can get buyers to buy them. The technology handles the transactions so, as the owner of the business, you’ve got infinite scale. I wanted the same sort of thing with my business. My proof reading business was my first attempt at that. I could take as many students’ papers as I could hire editors and I could basically be the middle man with that transaction.
That is what I did. I did that for a long time. I ran that business. My day to day business, it was quite funny, I forwarded emails. I did a bit of marketing, I put up posters at campuses. But most of my work for that business when I was running it was, here’s a job from a student, I’d forward it to the editor, the editor would forward it to me and I would forward it back to the student. I did that all day. I’d answer customer queries and I’d check the email twenty-four hours, making sure that the service was getting delivered.
It made me enough money to pay me a salary for quite a while. I didn’t really think about this. I had plans, I was studying Rich Schefren and reading the Frank Kern blog, I knew systematization was important, and you could make the more automated income streams if you had other people help you. But I always had this silly mentality where I thought I’d rather keep the money than pay people to do work for me.
However, when push came to shove, I was going to travel and visit family in Canada. I decided I didn’t want to be boring about the email. I had a friend who just had a baby and said, listen let’s do a trial. You can run the email service and do that job while I’m traveling.
She had the baby and a week later I was training her how to run the business, it was crazy and the week after that I was flying to Canada and she was running the entire show. It worked really well. I was paying her, so I probably lost maybe thirty percent of the salary that I had for myself but I still pocketed a lot. Basically I did zero work on it after that.
It’s definitely a good idea to share the workload by outsourcing and not try to do everything yourself.
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