David: Testing and the SEO guide makes you stand out in the crowd. Testing is one of those things which can be the difference between someone making it really big versus just kicking along when they are trying to drive traffic to a new domain.
James: Think about it this waywith your SEO training. If you can increase your conversions by 2% and you’re only doing 2%, it’s like getting twice as much traffic. More people should look into that. I’m not a testing freak, but it is worth bearing in mind. Be inquisitive and have a look behind the scenes to see what is actually happening. You’d be surprised quite often how easy it is to get an improvement just by checking something out. It could be as easy as installing Heat Map tracking onto your site just to know where people are clicking.
David: What do you use for split tests?
James: I mostly just use Google Website Optimizer or a Link Rotator.
David: Very good. You have a lot of Google’s tools and they’re all free.
James: They have great tools.
David: With some of the other things you do, like you’ve got a lot of different link building mechanisms, for all of what you do, where would you identify the biggest bang for your buck? Of course link diversity is important and you don’t want to just hone into one particular thing. I’m curious to know, of all the things you’ve tested, where do you notice the biggest bang for your buck?
James: In terms of conversions, it’s pretty hard to beat forum signatures and blog comments. They’re very targeted buyers, they are super targeted. You can control where you place your link to a high degree. Here’s a tip. You use the search tool in a form and search for exactly the problem that your blog post solves. Posting that thread you’ll get quite a lot of conversions. Also you’re posting from a keyword related site.
David: So you get the good inbound link. With forums, we’ve done a little bit of forum commenting and also blog commenting as well. What are the sort of tips you have? We didn’t have a great success with it. The biggest reason was we were trying to do it en masse. We were using different assistants to do it. We tried to use ones who at least had a grasp of the English language.
But we weren’t seeing a huge amount of traction for how much we were spending. Sometimes you would make a post, this was more so on blog commenting and then that blog comment may not have got accepted. What are your thoughts? Is that something you’re doing yourself or are you outsourcing?
James: Yes, I do that myself. When it comes to my primary blogs, I post the comments, I post the content, I do the forum posting. You have a lot of control and influence on that. When it comes to article distribution and buying links, or submitting videos you don’t need to be involved with that so much because it’s not going to change the process.
Wherever you need to exert control, that is where your own work will be necessary. Otherwise, don’t make life hard for yourself, and outsource as many tasks as is feasible.
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