As far as ranking, you can learn seo step by step, and we understand the importance of getting a variety of links to the website, we need to consider where we get the biggest bang for our buck for the links we get. If I had to pick just one, and I’m by no means advising anybody to do that, I consider you get the best bang for your buck from links.
Obviously apart from great content and just getting great organically linking stuff back, apart from that, I think just looking at Article Marketing Automation Review and Unique Article Wizards are the best places to go. Had I known about these services earlier in my career, if I’d known some of these things existed, it would have been a different story. There’s some good bang for buck there. I think these services will decline in value over time, but certainly make hay while the sun shines.
Leading on from that, there are a few great opportunities for getting rankings. We all know that ranking in the long tail is really the ultimate, like the SEO training. One of the things where the continual, new, fresh source of long tail keywords every single day is in new products that are being created.
A lot of people are going to search for Samsung TV Model 1736, that kind of stuff. I know a lot of people are automating that kind of stuff, but there are still big opportunities in having a system that’s taking a lot of these new product names and just building content around them and links around them because there is such low competition.
If you can have a system which doesn’t require you or you can outsource that and leverage that up, then if you go after a specific niche in the products that way, then you can probably do very well.
The other area is just in localization. One of the massive opportunities is just targeting local markets whether at a country level or even a suburb or a state level. This is done by taking a lot of keywords that are proven money keywords and simply combining them with locality names and suburbs and that kind of stuff. It works particularly for things that people are more likely to search for that are specific to a location because maybe it is an offline business or service or something like that. I think there are massive opportunities there.
There are some changes in the search engines that I’ve seen where you can essentially type in a suburb or a postcode and say, show me the businesses or the results that are specific to that postcode. That is where SEO is going. The guys who are first to that market and start dominating there will have a really big advantage, so I think there will be opportunities in that market.
The other thing is SEO for video. Anyone who’s put out a YouTube video knows it’s essentially indexed the moment that it is published. Within minutes you will see it rank. There are a lot of big opportunities to SEO for video. The issue with video is that you are one step removed from a call to action. There are some changes to YouTube space to make it a lot easier for you to link off to your own web page over time and they will come through shortly. That will change the video SEO game quite a bit as well, so these are the major differences.
Be aware of these new developments and you should be able to do very well.
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