Are you currently searching for, and interviewing, prospective members to join your virtual team in the next few days? Chances are you have reached a point where you have selected two of the best applicants, so it is time to put them to a test. As an internet business coach, what I do is that I’ll fork over some dollars for 25 hours block of work each then I’ll let them do their tasks. Take note of this as part of effective interviewing techniques which I use to bring my virtual assistants onboard.
Now, if they’re too good, I quickly include them on my virtual bench and I’ll let them know about these details: That opportunities may show up, since our customers are growing, and we’re highly searching for talented people just like you. So pay attention and we’ll give you some minor tasks directly related to professional SEO services and we’ll inform you when this time comes. That’s what really happened when I was giving some one off tasks only to find out after the next few days that she was not consistent in posting some articles for the blog. She’s been included on the virtual bench before but I let go of her, and I’m going whew, I’m glad I didn’t hire her for more hours because that will be a really frustrating experience.
What I also do is to give some underarm throws as well. This means that in the first week of having that person do a trial work with you, just give them some really easy work to accomplish, simply to see consistency in the way they do these little tasks, you just want to be sure that they are able to communicate well as they complete these small tasks. Don’t ask them to work on a brilliant, really high caliber task yet. Many people do this, however I would rather let them work with a couple of underarm passes as part of these best interview tips that you can do just to make sure that they are able to get the drift and do the job well.
I've got an evolving system in hiring staff for my SEO company. Unlike other employers, my Mum does an initial screening of resumes coming in and so the applicants have to complete a pre interview questionnaire. What we’re planning to do in the next few days is, we’re likely to shift that method. So before Mum does her pre screen, I want to shift the questionnaire for these applicants. That will save time for Mum in terms of flipping through all these resumes if they’re not going to answer these questions correctly. This also applies to knowing if we can afford them or not. For example, if their wage expectation is more than the $15 mark but I am only willing to pay $5 for that particular task, then that goes wasted time on your end.
Now, the reason why I’m telling you this tip is for your own learning as well. Let them take personality exams as I am also looking to do in hiring my future SEO specialists. You may want to have a closer look at DISC or Wealth Dynamics as well, just to know what type of person they are.
There’s a related website that is worth considering as well, ExpertRating. What ExpertRating does is they’ve got a lot of small tasks that is the same with some trial jobs. Let your best few applicants take this, set up the trial job and let ExpertRating manage the rest of it. They may have to answer series of questions to check their competencies. This is another part of using effective interviewing techniques. For example, if they tell you that they're great at CSS, then ask them to take the CSS test and then we’ll see how well you make it.
Months ago, we went over JobStreet and posted a job ad, we received a hundred and twenty-one resumes. So just like what we usually do, we prescreened them, did the questionnaire and got eleven applicants to return the questionnaire with complete answers. After that we have chosen the best five who have returned the questionnaire and assigned five tasks for each. That helped us find the best three, and tagged them as my three golden players. Then we interviewed them and added these to my virtual bench.
Do you want another tip in hiring great people for your team? Hire mums, simply because they have a great starting point. I do believe many people, can really be that great that it is best to commit to them as well so I’ll bring them on board. But there are so many applicants to screen, and higher chances of hiring plenty of A players, just relax.
In the end, you have to remember that you are only as strong as your weakest link. Therefore, make sure that you only get the best staff using effective interviewing techniques. Do not waste time hiring B players who slack and might affect the working habits of your A players.
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