When I first built it, I wasn’t building it with the idea to sell it. When you know that you’re getting into buying and selling websites, if you think of the end person that you’re going to sell it to, that way you can market it to them. I had built it up, and obviously it had value. I realized I had a saleable asset, and decided to find a buyer.
I was probably a little bit ahead of my time like said in the Ken Evoy biography. The Sitepoint marketplace which became Flippa wasn’t in my radar at the time. I’m sure it was around but I’m not sure if it was established yet as a website flipping trading community.
My initial thought for selling this website was to go to the people who would currently stand to gain the most from owning it. From my point of view, these were the current sponsors of the website, so people paying money to put banners on the site. Also they were perhaps any of the current readers, so people who were trading cards in my forum. Basically it was the audience around that community.
The first thing I did was, I went and contacted my sponsors, I put a little post on the forum. I also went to some of the stores in Australia that sold the cards. I figured if they’re selling the cards and they have an online presence, they could benefit from owning this website.
Eventually I found a buyer through that method. They took over the site. In fact the buyer ended up being one of the largest forum card traders. So they spent quite a big part of the day buying and selling cards and had an inventory $20,000 worth of cards for sale in my forum. So they went and bought the whole website and continued to grow it and as far as I know they still own it.
That was a case where it was the existing community where I found the buyer. Later on I did more specific flipping style trades and I eventually started a proper strategy of website flipping, and the experience I had owning a forum was helpful. I really loved that because for me that was a very low labour method of having a self perpetuating website.
People came to the forum for a reason. In this case they came to trade cards. I didn’t do anything to market, it spread word of mouth, search traffic brought in some visitors and basically the site ran itself once it reached a certain point.
I had to deal with a few technical things now and then when something went wrong, but most of the time it was just every day people coming there because they wanted to be there. That was great, it was free traffic and I really loved that model. That's what I know about flipping websites.
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