Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Real Silver Bullet In Internet Marketing

There are quite a few ways people go wrong when they enter the world of internet marketing.
What I call it is fixation on the newest silver bullet. There is a silver bullet and it hasn’t changed in years and it is called hard work. You can’t sell that one, right? One of my catch phrases is that optimization will reduce the amount of work you have to do, but not to zero. You’re actually going to have to do some work. Optimization is about making more money or being more effective. Just ask any SEO services company.
So chasing the latest shiny object does three things really bad for you. It takes time and generally money too. By changing strategies and tactics with each great new idea, which does nothing typically to build anything with longevity, it might actually undo work that you’ve already done. You have no consistent plan that you’re working on, so that you really don’t build anything longer term.
In trading stocks and futures and things like this, this is the algorithm of the week where people will buy the newest course and the newest charting technique and they’ll try it ten times and it fails six and they’ll realize that’s what supposed to happen and they switch. The other thing is, even thinking about the new silver bullet creates doubt that undermines commitment. That’s the biggest one right there. If you’re not committed to doing it, how well are you going to do it?
The trading analogy is pertinent. We call it the search for the holy grail, people looking for that perfect entry signal, that’s going to get them in at exactly the right time. Every time a new Forex course or new stock course or whatever course is launched, or a new trading instrument, it’s designed to catch amateur investors to keep on chasing that shiny bullet.
Business for them is not about generating good products, it’s just about generating new products to have the initial sell and have people jumping to those. More people than I could count, that’s the way they operate their business. You see it the same in anything to do with creating money.
Business opportunity is that way. Over here, and you have the same requirement, because you sell in the United States, the new FTC rules apply. No longer can you say, you and I may differ, the results are not typical. Now what they’re saying is, what you have to do is actually survey your customers and figure out what the actual typical result is. We’re having a ball with this in the IM space. Lots of alcohol was consumed in Vegas because that’s what we do there. One of the running jokes was how we’re going to rewrite the FTC disclosure.
The truth of the matter is, if you survey your customers, in any business opportunity area, you’re going to find that 98.9%, maybe that’s too low, of the boxes do not even get opened. We actually had a very unfortunate situation at a company I used to work for. We sent out bad discs. We didn’t know we’d sent out bad discs. We only got out of a thousand we sent out, twenty-five complaints. So that must be the number of people who actually put the disc in the drive. Twenty-five out of a thousand, there’s a real number.
That’s the challenge, and the thing about it, the really tough thing to get your head around, and in SEO, you don’t know. There are a few SEO secrets to learn of course. They’re going to identify themselves, they’re going to self identify if they actually open the box and take some action. You can’t know in advance who those people are. So you still have to sell to everybody and you just have to realize that most of them aren’t going to stick.
I spent fifteen years, I guess, doing taikwando. As I progressed through the ranks and ultimately became a third degree black belt, as you get higher and higher in the ranks you are required to teach and so on. The challenge is, you find the fall out rate is really high at white belt and yellow belt. By the third test, people are sticking but they fall out down the road. You just have to realize when you’re teaching this person, you may not see them again in six months.
That’s the way it is when you’re teaching an SEO course or anything else, and in the business opportunity areas, you don’t know whether that person is really going to take what you have to offer and do something with it. You can’t be hung up about it. It just has to be the way it is.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Website Optimization – Should You Link Out?
Should you really be linking out?
There is a perception out there that linking out to high authority sites is a good website optimization strategy and will help your website perform better in the search engine rankings. Perhaps you’ve seen it where a website, down in the footer, will link to higher authority websites such as CNN or The SEOer or webmaster does this because they think it somehow increases their ranking.
Here at Melbourne SEO Services, we believe people are over exaggerating its effects. That is to say, in our testing, we haven’t seen it significantly affect rankings.
I think this myth may have arisen out of something Matt Cutts, from Google, talked about. He was asked the question, should you encourage people to post on your blog since you’ll potentially send links to other websites?
He suggested not to close comments in an attempt to hoard page rank. In the same way that Google trusts sites less when they link to spammy sites, part of their system encourages linking to good sites. From this we understand that it’s a part of the algorithm, but we feel it’s only a very small part.
I think people may have taken this a little too literally and thought that Google will look at you more favorably if you link to “good sites”. As I said, we have done our testing and we couldn’t find any isolated examples where sites were ranked more favorably as a result.
If that’s the case, should you link out or not?
You don’t have to turn off comments or do smart linking tactics, like hiding links in JavaScript to try and hoard the page rank. This looks unnatural. The whole aim of the game in SEO is to replicate what happens in nature, and it’s not natural to have your website never linking to anything anywhere.
So, it’s ok to share but don’t link out expecting it’ll move you to #1.
Here at Melbourne SEO Services, our SEO specialists know what works when it comes to link building and on page optimization. Get an SEO quote today and find out the big difference SEO can make in your business.