I’ve been selling off some of my inventory from my SEO services business. They were test sites and I’ve been primarily using Flippa.
We initially purchased about five hundred or more domain names that we loaded up with a whole lot of content from Yanik Silver’s Public Domain Goldmine. We did this about four or five years ago now and the whole reason for doing that was to get our SEO skills up to scratch. It’s only recently that we’ve been going back through looking at our inventory, seeing what’s working, what’s ranking, what’s not because we’re shifting focus a little bit. We decided let’s just clear it out and that’s why we looked to start selling on Flippa.
Some people are used to only selling new sites. Some have sold them to clients doing the offline business model, some have sold them when they occasionally do a presentation somewhere, they’ll actually include a custom built website and have their team build a website for their end user. They may need to turn around old sites.
That’s part of the reason for wanting to clear out this inventory, a lot of people said, why do you want to sell these old sites when you have an SEO course, that is a pretty common question. There is going to be a point where you need to sell. I felt like there was brain space being taken up by having these domain names.
We were mainly using them to sell $17 e books and I realized, and this is a lesson I’ve heard many people talk about, the idea that there is very little difference between selling a $17 e book and a $17,000 course or something like that. It’s just extra zeros on the end, so I thought ,rather than chewing up my time focusing in on $17 small projects, how about I start to focus on the big projects. That’s why we decided to go through and clear out this inventory, so that way I could start to focus on the bigger deals.
Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about it, Robert Kiyosaki ,when he talks about, you start off working on the small deals and you get those runs on the board and that’s when you start to move up to your medium and then your bigger sized deals. We went through the inventory to identify what it was that would most likely sell.
There are a few key things that people are looking for when they’re buying a domain name. It’s the same thing when you look for aged domain names as well. PR is important, the age of the domain name, whether a good solid keyword that’s getting some good traffic in it is in the actual url.

If you’re looking at existing sites as well, you want to make sure you look at how much traffic is it getting. That’s the core part of the domain name. In addition to that, what is the business that’s built on the back end of the domain name as well. What is the monetization method, if there’s a product involved, is there a list involved, those types of things.
So we started off at the lowest common denominator at first and we thought, let’s focus on the websites that have good PR, good age and a little bit of traffic. They’re the ones that we started to sell on Flippa first, and then we’ve been using that to get our skills up. Now we’ve started to introduce selling some of the other sites that have lists added to them and products and selling on ClickBank type products and that type of thing.
To recap here, Jay Abraham says similar things, spend your time on the best and highest use of your time. So we’re actually evolving our business, strategically working out where our maximum profit for our attention is and we’re dumping the sites that aren’t going to achieve that for us. That’s the first step.
Secondly we’re now moving from just domains and just basic sites into actual businesses.
These are the important things to consider when flipping websites or buying and selling websites.
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