Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Up Close: 3 Types Of Web SEO Services
Good Business Systems Replicate The Franchise Model {new melbSEO post}
Checking out the Pizza Hut franchise business system is a chore but someone's got to do it! Party time! Excellent!
Just like with most of the household fast food franchise names that …excuse the pun… roll off the tongue, like Pizza Hut, Burger King and KFC, both offline and online business systems need to be broken down into …excuse the pun…bite-size pieces that are easily… excuse the pun…digested by staff members and repeated!
If you re-read that sentence it does actually make sense without all the puns! Here we look at how franchises lead the way with some great lessons when you are designing your own business system.
A system can be defined as a predefined repeatable process to produce consistent outcomes. When we look at a typical large franchise model like Burger King we see that everything is designed to produce consistent outcomes. Everything is documented from the smallest details of planning construction and what goes where to how the ketchup sachets are going to be displayed and how often the toilets will be cleaned.
That’s why a hole in the ground becomes a fully functional burger joint seemingly within a matter of weeks and a gutted shop becomes an open store within days. Providing this type of detail is a good model for us to bring into our own business systems because it means that everything can be replicated and you don’t need to go over the same ground again and again with new staff and in new situations.
If you do the work thoroughly, in minute detail, upfront, document it and teach it to staff then it can be replicated time and time again with the minimum of effort on your part. Make sure you map out all the key tasks. With Burger King you can see so many systems going on every time you enter one of the shops – from serving, display and cooking systems to cleaning systems. What are the main ones in your business?
A lot of system functions people carry out without even thinking and they’re not even conscious of them. You have a system for getting up and getting to work in the morning that you may not even be aware of. If you’re constantly late then you need to change the system!
Consider the outcomes of your present business systems and if you want to see different, better outcomes then think about changing the systems.
As Gerber’s E-Myth system teaches, it is people that operate systems and many times we blame people for problems with systems; we waste energies complaining about or re-training people to use systems that are poorly designed. In actual fact we should be improving the system and documenting all the new steps to teach our staff about how we would like things done better in the future.
Many times in business people think that others are operating independently of a system and they have a hidden talent or an intuitive advantage over everyone else, which explains their success. For example, with a successful trader it may appear that he makes decisions based on gut feeling but he has usually just internalized the system better than most others so he has gained an advantage that way. Once again, it comes back to the strength of the system and how well he has learnt it.
Systems lie at the heart of most of the ways successful businesses operate. If you want to know more there’s plenty more guidelines to creating better business systems in The Outsourcing Profit Machine workshop. Just click here to learn more.
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Monday, June 27, 2011
Top Three Facts on Google Local SEO
With the emergence of online marketing as the best tool for internet business masterminds, so far, to promote one’s business, small or local businesses can now introduce their products and services to their potential customers. Google local SEO has changed the way local business target all possible local clients. Local businesses’ specifics like their exact locations, company profiles and other details are now easily available for both their followers and future patrons. Searching for them over the internet simply entails entering the keywords these businesses use for their webpage’s search optimization. Not only owners of local businesses benefit from this service, but also a number of people who are looking for the services of the former. Skimming and scanning through the leaves of the heavy yellow pages are now replaced with a simple gesture of inputting queries inside the search boxes of search engines. A roster of information, then, shows on the screen as the searcher hits enter. This is
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Working with virtual team members. Is this post a storm in a teacup?
There's some interesting discussion going on over @ ... Sometimes I find it easier to reply via voice, so here's my 2 cents. Dave Jenyns
Friday, June 24, 2011
This is how you handle customer support. {SEO Questions Answered}
Got an SEO question? send us a question
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Google +1 button for websites... Will be interesting to see how this affects rankings

You'll also start to see +1 buttons on other Google properties such as Android Market, Blogger, Product Search and YouTube. +1 is as simple on the rest of the web as it is on Google search. With a single click you can recommend that raincoat, news article or favorite sci-fi movie to friends, contacts and the rest of the world. The next time your connections search, they could see your +1’s directly in their search results, helping them find your recommendations when they’re most useful.
In the meantime, we’re continuing to roll out the +1 button for English-language searches on If you want to +1 search results and search ads earlier, you can opt in through our experimental search site. To see recommendations from your friends and contacts in Google search, make sure you’re signed into your Google Account. If you’re a webmaster, you can get the +1 button code and learn more about implementation on our +1 webmaster site. We hope you’ll agree that +1 buttons across the web make it even easier for you to recommend content to your friends and contacts, and make search results even more helpful and relevant. Posted by Evan Gilbert, Software Engineer, +1 Button