(Whether You Wrote It Or Not!)
You... a best-selling author? Yes!
Even if you don't have time to write the ebook yourself
Get your ebook out to as many people as possible
Create new income streams for your website
If you are looking for a good way to make money on the Internet that really works – and I will prove it to you in a moment – then please read this message very carefully. It will be the most important information you read all year.
Let’s start with a question: If you could turn words into traffic, you could make more than $20,000 in a single weekend. If this was the case would you do it?
Not in Las Vegas. Not using a gun. Not by winning the lottery.
But by publishing your own ebook and selling it on the Web – whether you wrote it or not!
Let me introduce to you, Jim Edwards, also Sales Copywriter, and he’d like to share some interesting information with you. In less than a year, Jim Edwards, writer of How to Write and Publish your Own Ebook, sold over 8,463 ebooks on the Internet. You may have heard of them -- "33 Days to Online Profits," "How to Write and Publish Your Own eBook... in as little as 7 Days," "Selling Your Home Alone," and others.
These ebooks are selling like crazy!
He’s not the only person doing this. He could reel off the names of at least a dozen people he knows right now who are selling more than he is. And besides them, there are many, many others he’s never even heard of.
Now you might asking: “Can I make a ton of money with ANY ebook?”
Frankly, no you can’t. A lot of people are skimping by with a few hundred dollars a month – or less. Many ebooks don’t sell at all. Why? Because their authors decided they had an important message to give the world, but they didn’t happen to first find answers to these three basic questions:
1. Are there enough people interested in this topic, already reachable in groups, to market my ebook to?
2. Do those people have a problem they’d be willing to pay money – at least $29 – to solve?
3. Can I provide them with a good enough solution to their problem that they would consider what I have to tell them worth the money they paid for it?
One fellow has an ebook right now bringing in about $35,000 a month. The problem his ebook is solving? Divorce! (If you’ve ever been divorced, or you know anyone who has, you can see why a lot of people would gladly pay $79 for a guaranteed way to prevent an impending divorce from happening.)
Another fellow has an ebook that pays nowhere near $35,000 a month. All this ebook does is pay the mortgage, two car payments, and the electric bill each month. In other words, all of his and his wife’s basic expenses except food.
The problem this ebook solves? How to sell your house without paying a real estate agent thousands of dollars in commissions.
There are hot-selling ebooks on the Net about how to negotiate the best price on a new or used car; how to save money on a mortgage; how to write sales letters; how to promote your professional services business; how to achieve financial independence; and many, many other topics.
Income varies. Some people make a few hundred or a few thousand a month. One entrepreneur Jim knows is going to make close to $1 million this year – only selling information online.
And while he’s not sure he’ll make quite that much myself by December, he’s already having the most financially successful year of my life.
So I guess you’re wondering if you could do the same. Could you? That depends.
If you’re a real “creative” type, extremely stubborn and independent, and you have to do things your own way – no. Not right away. You’d be like Jim Edwards. It took him years of experimenting, and some lean and scary times, to get to where he’s at today. But he had to blaze a trail that wasn’t there before.
On the other hand, if you have a sincere desire to make money and the ability to follow a proven, step-by-step system, then you can make literally as much money as you want with ebooks. Starting two to four weeks from today.
Just as long as you follow the simple, basic steps laid out in this breakthrough new course...